BODAME: Bilevel Optimization for Defense Against Model Extraction

We have published our paper in arXiv.

Yuto Mori, Atsushi Nitanda, and Akiko Takeda. BODAME: Bilevel Optimization for Defense Against Model Extraction. 2021. [arXiv]

As the title suggests, we formulate the problem of defending machine learning models from model extraction attacks as a bilevel optimization problem, and propose methods to solve.

In addition, I have published some of the survey materials that I had compiled when I was a master’s student.

It’s a survey that I’ve been compiling as a diary as we move into the coronavirus crisis. It mainly summarizes topics related to model extraction attacks, but also includes some abstracts of papers on the following topics.

  • Active Learning
  • Semi-supervised Learning
  • Kernel Methods
  • Machine Teaching
  • Gaussian Process
  • Poisoning
  • Meta-Learning